
Words and photography courtesy of Bonnie Dougall, Principal – Dougall Real Estate BVI

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Summary of owning property in the British Virgin Islands

The British Virgin Islands are an overseas territory of the United Kingdom and as such have close links to the UK and EU as well as a judicial system based on English law that falls under British defense and protection. The country is run by a parliamentary democracy.

The currency is based on the US Dollar. The islands are quite safe with low crime and are not over populated nor over developed.  Current resident population as of 2015 is estimated to be around 30,000.

The BVI economy is one of the most prosperous and stable in the Caribbean – the islands have enjoyed an average GDP growth rate of 9.5% from 2004 up to 2007 and has been fairly stable even in aftermath of the last four-year world recession. Estimated GDP was $51,273 (2007 estimate). There is almost no unemployment.

The economy is dominated by two main sectors of financial services and tourism, and both world-class sailing and land based villa/hotel rentals.

Above and beyond the stunning natural beauty, the BVI has highly attractive tax benefits:

The BVI has a strong international business corporate presence.  Principal activities include: corporate domicile, trust and estate planning, mutual funds administration and management and captive insurance companies.

The Territory now has one of the highest values for land in the Caribbean and property prices have remained relatively stable in the residential sector, despite the worldwide downturn impacting property prices elsewhere.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of building a new home over buying a resale home?



Construction of the home will normally take around 1 year, and could take longer if the house is extensive in scope. Construction cannot begin before the new owners have acquired the land, hence the overall time before buyer occupation of a home could be almost two years for Non-Belongers and 1 ½ for Belongers.

Can I buy property in the BVI?

The short and the long answer is ‘Yes.’ There are additional restrictions and requirements that off islanders must meet versus Belonger/Resident buyers, but land, resale homes, and even custom building your own home are possible here.

How long does it take to purchase property in the BVI?

The overall period varies from 6-8 months at the writing of this article. The BVI government controls all land dispositions in the Territory, minimising speculation. Most Non-Belonger licenses are approved, but it takes a bit of paperwork and patience.

How many properties can I buy as an ‘off-islander?’

‘Off-islanders’ are only allowed to own one property each. Transfer to direct family members is easily facilitated with no stamp duty invoked.

Undeveloped land must be built on within 3 years of purchase by ‘off islanders,’ again minimising speculation. The result is that Belongers own about 70% of all land in the BVI (59 square miles) and there is much virgin and green space.
