Thursday, May 10 – Some 25 young people from around the Territory will be participating in a workshop to initiate a Youth for Positive Living programme in the BVI.
The programme which was developed through the Commonwealth Youth Programme Caribbean Centre (CYPCC) will be the main focus of the workshop scheduled for May 12 and 13 at the Department of Youth Affairs and Sports.
    National AIDS Programme Dr. Ronald McAnaney says that the CYPCC has recognized that there is an urgent need to develop a multi-sector, holistic strategy to reduce the transmission of HIV/AIDS among the youth of this region.  To address this need and further reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS in the region, the CYPCC has developed the Commonwealth Youth for Positive Living Programme which provides interventions that target youth between the ages of 15-24.   
    “The Centre is now partnered with the National AIDS Programme to initiate the Youth for Positive Living Programme in the BVI,” he said.  
    Since it was first established, the NAP has promoted a multi-sector approach to coping with HIV. This initiative has enabled the NAP to collaborate with its partners including the Ministry of Education, Department of Youth Affairs and Sports, Office of Gender Affairs, Health Promotion Unit, Social Development Department and the BVI CARICOM Youth Ambassador to plan and organize this event.