Aerial pic of Cooper Island

Some of the excellent work being done to keep the BVI clean, green and healthy

Over the years, ‘Green’ initiatives have made gigantic strides in the ascension toward sustainability and environmental friendliness. Here are some lead examples of companies and organisations contributing their time to the benefit of the LAND, SEA, and LIFE of the British Virgin Islands.

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[one_half]1. CYS[/one_half][one_half_last]

Green Boats

On board water makers and refillable water bottles reduce disposables; solar panels and wind generators mean fewer hours of burning fossil fuels. Purchasing reef friendly products – whether for sun tanning or boat cleaning – has resulted in fewer toxic chemicals entering the water. Whether recycling glass or sails, crew will pass it along if there is another use for it. Most of our crews have joined the battle of eliminating the invasive lionfish species. The CYS’s annual show promotes sound environmental practices, offering recycling stations to educational seminars, resulting in gold certification through ‘Sailors for the Sea.’  By Janet Oliver[/one_half_last]

2 TradeWinds59  solar panel7

As the proud recipients of the Charter Yacht Broker Association’s Save The Blue Challenge at the 2012 and 2013 Antigua Boat Show, we strive to preserve our waters and spread the message. By Marli van Wyngaard


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Green Resorts


A custom-built Submerged Membrane Bio-Reactor processes our grey and black water to produce 1000 gallons of recycled water daily for irrigation and washing down boats. We produce our own drinking water and provide it free to our restaurant guests. We try to keep disposable cups, cutlery, straws and take-out boxes to a minimum, and those we do use are biodegradable eco-products made from corn. We shred our tree trimmings into mulch and compost all kitchen vegetable waste, using it to grow fruit and vegetables for the kitchen. By Sam Baker

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Green Products

[one_half]5 clear_glass_aggregate[/one_half][one_half_last]5.1Green & Clean[/one_half_last]

6. Greencrete


