
Toward the end of a week of charter, I often find myself becoming increasingly inventive as a chef and I enjoy the exercise of stretching my creative muscles.

Planning for a week of cooking almost 20 meals for 12 people takes some thought, and having a versatile, go-to recipe that can be used in a variety of ways is always helpful for a yacht chef’s menu.

A few years ago, Lolalita hosted guests that requested an abundance of mangoes throughout the week. Being a lover of this particular fruit myself, I was more than happy to oblige.

After using mangoes with breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dessert, I wanted to be able to highlight the well-suited potential of pairing mangoes with a savoury flavour. Several experimental tastes later and I came up with a perfect salsa that goes well with fish, chicken, shellfish, pork, or stands alone by itself. Introducing…


Mango Salsa

2 large mangoes, peeled and cubed

½ red onion, diced

4 sprigs green onion, diced

½ red bell pepper, diced

1 jalapeño, diced

½ cup cilantro, chopped

Juice from ½ a lime

1 Tbsp mango nectar

1 Tbsp agave nectar

1 Tbsp olive oil

Salt and pepper[/one_half][one_half_last]IMG_0452[/one_half_last]

Mix all ingredients in a large bowl, adding salt and pepper to taste. This recipe can be served up to 24 hours later if refrigerated. To serve with meats, I recommend the salsa be at room temperature.

Serves 8 guests.

Buen Provecho!
