Stephanie Clayton – BVI Artist in Colour

Like beauty, inspiration is in the eye of the beholder. Stephanie Clayton, resident in the BVI for 10 years, is beholden to the island that is her muse.  Colourful and abstract in style, Stephanie draws inspiration from nature; sand, sea and air are prevalent in her ambient oil paintings.

Currently experimenting with different media, her art is on canvas, not traditionally framed yet ready to go, be hung and appreciated; the sides of the canvas form an intricate part of the piece.  Natures Texture is the focus of her work, water being a constant draw as she operates from her waterfront studio and she lists Josiah’s Bay or sailing off shore through the islands as a kaleidoscope of ways at looking at the water.

Her art is exhibited in both the BVI and Florida, including at Tallahassee Memorial Hospital in Florida and the BVI Sole' Spa.  Critically acclaimed,  she is also involved with Art Basel Miami Beach, the largest art exhibition in North America.

Formally trained with an art degree, this artist gained new inspiration whilst visiting family in the BVI 12 years back.  Her experiences on that trip ultimately prompted her to move to the islands from the US along with her husband, an accomplished sailor and skipper.  As the former art instructor at Cedar school, Stephanie cites our own junior designer Richard George and photographer/artist Matt Osmond as prodigies. She views BVI art as being mostly subjective, but the flicker of shared experience that is found in it makes the relationship with her clients personal and rewarding.
All of Stephanie Clayton’s art is original, although she offers prints through  She says the present time represents a turning point in her experiences.  Working predominantly in oil, she has been spending a lot of time of late thinking outside the box of the oil on canvas that has traditionally driven her production.  

Her work can be viewed at
as well as in person here in the BVI.