TRIM YOUR CARBON FOOTPRINT – and your Electricity Bill, In the March edition of the BVI Property Guide we drew attention to the carbon footprint of the BVI and the average personal contribution – approximately 4 tonnes per annum.

Your Carbon Footprint is defined by the amount of carbon dioxide you are responsible for releasing into the atmosphere through your everyday living practices.  One of the biggest contributing factors to your footprint is through the burning of fossil fuels – petrol and diesel.  We use these in large quantities from the moment we wake up in the morning and switch on the light.

Electricity is an expensive commodity.  By reducing our electrical consumption, we stand to gain a few years for the planet and, more rewardingly, in our efforts to save the earth we can actually shave a few dollars off our electricity bill.  For more information on why our electrical consumption is detrimental to the planet, log on to websites such as  In the meantime, here are 10 tips which, when deployed on a daily basis, will help you reduce your carbon footprint by up to 25%: