Welcome to the April issue of the Property Guide  –  World media now dictates the state of markets like a mantra. That mantra does not take into account specific locations or give those locations a chance to speak for themselves. One would hope that the house of cards does not spill into our markets in the BVI. Yet, as buyers and sellers speculate over investments the aesthetic value of the BVI and having property here remains strong.

This is a fantastic location for property and considered a good and sound investment at all times. The factors leading up to a purchase have perhaps never been more varied as in these times, but it is unlikely that island homes will see themselves become victim to rapid decreases in property value.

Within this issue we have a vast array of factors and advice available. We look at simple techniques of conserving water and dealing with grounding issues. These are tips to empower and save money which is the leading headline on today's, yesterday's and tomorrow's news.

We also feature two stunning properties, in fantastic locations with style and potential. You will also find a concise listing of properties available and services featured by our advertisers on-island for the island.

If you had the investment the question is to consider , why the BVI? Well, for those living and working or even visiting here the responses are at first glance easy. Behind the scenes is a community working together and a progressive market that continues to thrive.

Read on, and in Island spirit, happy hunting!

Owen Waters