Shiver me Timberrrrs – it’s another freakin Pirate themed event!!!!

Well, actually it is the Yacht Club doing a daysail and open day to Norman Island on Saturday 20th September, but it is the day after the world-famous Talk Like a Pirate Day  so you’ll have to forgive occasional lapses into pirate lingo.

Everyone who can find a way to get to the beach in the Bight by (where else?) Pirates’ Bar is invited to sail, row, windsurf, swim or hitchhike and join us for an open day. There’ll be a barbecue and drinks available organized by Emma and the ever-efficient House Committee team. Our new instructor [Will?] and Chris  will be there with some of the Club dinghies to give taster sessions and informal races for anyone interested in learning more about the Club and the courses offered.

The festivities will kick off at approximately 11.00 for boats leaving from Nanny Cay or 12.00 noon at the beach. If you don’t have a sailboat, power is fine – get a few people to charter something that floats and join in or email [email protected] if you’re just looking for a lift.

Bragging rights

Just to add a little flavour, I’m putting up $100 for any sailboat that can beat Luxury Girl to the Bight on corrected time (using CSA rating) over a course from Nanny Cay – Dead Chest & Peter Island to Stbd – Pelican, the Indians (& moorings/moored boats) to port and into the entrance to the Bight starting at 11.00 am. Anyone else cocky enough to add to the pot for the winner is welcome.

Please let Emma & I know at [email protected] or [email protected] know if you are coming with approximate numbers to help them organize grub & grog.

See you on the beach.

Guy Eldridge
Captain of Sailing