Contact: Joseph Daley Information Officer II
Telephone: 468-3701 ext. 2076
Email: [email protected]

Tuesday, October 16 – The Town and Country Planning Department and the Planning Authority are encouraging community stakeholders to participate in a public hearing next month, which will focus on the proposed Lambert (Sandcastle) Development.

Chief Planner in the Town and Country Planning Department Mr. Louis Potter said the public hearing is scheduled for 7 p.m. on Thursday, 8 November, at the East End/Long Look Community Centre.

Copies of the development plans related to the project are now available for review at the Town and Country Planning Department and at the East End/Long Look Public Library between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. on weekdays.
Under the proposed project CSD Developments Limited intends to construct 13 individual housing units in addition to passive areas and recreational facilities at Little Bay, East End, Tortola.

“We are eager to receive feedback from persons who are in favour of the project as well as those who might oppose it. A good balance in submissions would be most useful to direct Government when considering its final decision on the project,” the Chief Planner said.
According to him whilst everyone will have an opportunity to speak during the public hearing, persons wishing to speak in excess of three minutes are encouraged to pre-book with the Department.

“A court reporter or videographer will be available to receive oral statements for inclusion in the meeting transcript. Comment sheets are also available for those who prefer to make written statements,” the Chief Planner noted.

Mr. Potter said written statements and other exhibits may be submitted at the meeting or mailed within seven days after the meeting in order to be included in the official transcript. Written comments should be addressed to:

15 October 2007 Public Hearing Comments
Town and Country Planning Department
33 Admin Drive, Road Town
Tortola, British Virgin Islands, VG1110

The Chief Planner encouraged persons with additional questions about the next Thursday’s public hearing to contact the Town and Country Planning Department at 468-3701 extension 2158.

The Town and Country Planning Department operates under the Premier’s Office. Among other things, it works to ensure sustainable development in the Virgin Islands by promoting the wise use of land, an efficient communication system, and facilitating harmonious change, while enhancing the Territory’s strong cultural heritage.